Welcome to Annelie's world of Blomster & bakverk!
It should be easy to bake! With my recipes and pictures, I want to inspire you to put a dough or whisk together a cake. The book should of course mainly be used in the kitchen, but can just as easily function as a picture book. I love to share the good in life and the beautiful in everyday life.
In her very own personal way, Annelie Andersson offers a generous book with inspiring recipies for baking bread, pastries and other exciting goodies. Things that are suitable for everyday but also for special occations. Annelie takes us through all the seasons of the year and sets the mood for each season. That her great passion is just flowers, pastries and photography is noticeable in every picture. Swedish text.
Weight 1040 gram
Length 28,5 cm
Width 20,5 cm
Height 2 cm