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Force Majeure
Iris Hantverk AB is exempt from sanction for failure to perform any obligation under this Agreement if such failure is due to liberating factor as described below and the circumstance prevents, hinders or delays the performance. As the liberating factor to be considered including government action or omission, new or amended legislation, conflict, embargo, fire, flood, sabotage, accident, major or other type of natural disaster. The force majeure includes government decisions that affect the market negatively and products, such as restrictions indication, warnings, bans, etc., abnormal decline in the market and the company exposed to criminal activity that affects the business.
Iris Hantverk AB follows the laws of Distans- and hemförsäljningslagen, konsumentköplagen and E-handelslagen.
In any dispute, Iris Hantverk AB follows the Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden recommendations.